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We connect new ostomates with veteran ostomates

Team Hope is our matching service that connects new ostomates with volunteer veteran ostomates.

If you are facing ostomy surgery,
it’s natural to feel scared and isolated

I am looking for an
Ostomy Friend

Engaging with a Team HOPE volunteer – someone who has experienced having an ostomy firsthand – can significantly transform your recovery experience. Team HOPE volunteers listen, empathize, and offer valuable resources because they have gone through their own ostomy journey.

I have an ostomy and I want to volunteer for Team HOPE

Our team matches volunteers, who have completed the United Ostomy Associations of America online “Ostomy Friends” training course, with new ostomates based on factors like gender, type of ostomy, lifestyle, age, and other relevant factors to ensure a supportive match.

Ostomates through

“Hope is being able to see that there is light despite all of the darkness.”

Desmond Tutu